Prayer Needs

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Prayer Needs

1.          Our Prayer for the Nations team determined to raise 3000 Prayer cells throughout the Andhra Pradesh in India. Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest states in India with good Christian foundation. In Andhra Pradesh 23 districts and 24 meager cities are there.

        But still some places we have persecution problems. Our neighbor states Orissa

        and Karnataka are in more persecution. In North India almost all States

        experienced by persecution without Compassion. All over the world the same

        situation for Christians but our main target to reach the lost and win the soul for

       Christ Jesus. This will work not through revival meetings or big Crusades or big

        Training campaigns but only PRAYERS WITH TEARS. 

              In our State through 3000 prayer cells we want to raise 60.000 prayer warriors.

             We want to distribute 3000 World Maps. For this work we need a Van to reach

             Prayer cells with maps. We need your prayers and financial Support. Please give your hands

            and tears in this ministry for support. 

        2.          Voluntary Invitation:

         If anybody wants to come and work with us in practical field please come to

         India, we will arrange lodging and boarding with all facilities. You can enjoy in

         Preaching and teaching and praying.

               If you interested please contact us through email.



3.          Please pray for trustworthy and committed prayer cell leaders throughout the

        World for Prayer for the Nations.